- Buy to open May $240 calls for $8.40 debit
Just filled the order $0.90 net debit. Now we own April/May $240 calendar. If the stock makes a move above $240 by April expiration, we'll just close the entire trade. If it doesn't, April $240 calls will expire worthless and then we will sell May $250 calls to convert it into May 240/250 call spread.
For those, who would like to understand how much P&L all these adjustments have produced since we started with March/April $230 calendar, here is the breakdown (before commissions):
- Bought March/April $230 calendar for $2.85 debit
- Rolled March $230 calls to April $240 calls for $1.80 credit
- Rolled April $230 calls to May $240 calls for $0.90 debit
When you mix them all, we paid $1.95 debit for current position April/May $240 calendar, which is currently going for $5.45. That's 180% profit and there is more to come as IV goes up in May due to earnings and time decay accelerates for April $240 calls.