Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earnings Plays: NFLX, STX and COV

I am doing several earnings plays below so I am going to keep it short and sweet.  

NFLX:  With an assumption that the stock is ready to take a pause and consolidate, I am buying the following double calender spread:

- Buy June/May $90 calendar
- Buy June/May $80 calendar

Spreads are very wide.  I just filled the order for the whole structure for $2.60 debit (only 10 cents below natural price).  

STX:  Going bullish on this name.  Buying the following calendar spread:

- Buy June/May $20 calendar

Just filled the order for $0.34 debit.

COV:  Lots of bullish activity in recent day.  Taking a small speculative position (keep position size small) and buying straight calls.

- Buy to open May $52.50 calls for $1.30 debit.