I am looking for a blow-out quarter and raised future guidance. This company is a huge beneficiary of Obama's plan to ramp up security in airports across the nation. Here is the recent history of the order flow:
Jan 4 - $39.7 million order for Cargo X-ray Inspection Machines (this was from unnamed govt)
Jan 5 - $5.8 million order for Cargo Security Equipment in the Middle East
Jan 5 - UK Minister announces that ASEI equipment will be installed at Heathrow airport in London, UK
Jan 5 - Bloomberg reports Canada to install ASEI body scanners all over Canadian airports
Another important thing to keep in mind is on June 14, Accuray (ARAY) announced a partnership with ASEI to supply various screening equipment. On Feb 5, ARAY reported a blow out quarter and the stock was up over 10%.

So, the stars are clearly aligning for a major move the upside. But I still want to play it cautiously because this market has no memory from day to day. I want to do the following calendar spread:
- Buy to open March $80 calls
- Sell to open Feb $80 calls
I just filled half of my order for $0.95 and half for $1.00 debit. Feb implied volatility is at 43 vs. March at 33.
Good luck!